The following is a record of events that led to the downfall of humanity, for those interested in how the world of Darkbound became the way it is.
Year 0: The First Signs
- Unexplained Anomalies
- Strange, small-scale blackouts happen in multiple major cities worldwide. Authorities blame faulty infrastructure or cyberattacks. Few suspect a malevolent force.
- Dark Rumblings
- Rural communities report sightings of “moving mold” or black tar-like substances creeping along power lines. These stories are largely dismissed as crazy hallucinations, internet hysteria, or simply the result of conspiracy theories.
Year 1: The Cataclysm
- The Great Blackout
- Within weeks, the Dark overwhelms global power grids, shutting down entire nations. Cities go dark overnight, plunging the world into chaos and panic. This is most likely where the Dark gets its name.
- Communications Collapse
- Satellites and internet nodes fail, making it nearly impossible for communities to coordinate rescue efforts. Governments scramble, but the Dark spreads faster than they can react.
- Mass Exodus
- Citizens flee urban centers as electric-dependent infrastructure crumbles. Highways choke with vehicles—many running out of fuel long before finding safety. The Dark overtakes these vehicles and its occupants within minutes. Some of these individuals are unknowingly carrying the Dark spores in their bodies as they migrate.
Year 2–5: The Blighted Earth
- Rapid Contamination
- The Dark’s mold-like presence seeps into cityscapes and rural lands alike, infecting flora and fauna. Strange mutations appear among wildlife, as well as isolated human cases.
- Survival Mode
- With no consistent electricity, dwindling food supplies, and mutated creatures roaming, armed humans form small pockets of survivors for protection.
- First Settlements
- Scattered enclaves appear. Makeshift walls, barricaded suburbs, or bunkers become the last bastions of normalcy. Most eventually fail under relentless Dark incursions.
Year 6–10: The Founder Era
- Torchlight’s Genesis
- A caravan of survivors, later nicknamed “The Founders”, discover a defensible region in the American continent. They choose to settle, pooling resources and scavenged gear.
- Construction of The Barrier
- Using salvaged blocks of concrete, the Founders erect colossal walls around their new home. The settlement is christened “Torchlight,” symbolizing a lasting light in darkness.
- Hard Lessons Learned
- As Torchlight endures attacks from mutated beasts and roving raiders, the Founders refine community rules: daily rationing, assigned duties, and strict protocols for any use of electricity. They also form the Wardens, who maintain order and patrol the Barrier.
Year 11–20: The Dark Tightens Its Grip
- Spread of Mutations
- More frequent instances of mutation in humans are documented—some mild and hidden, others extreme. Stories of supernatural abilities begin to circulate.
- Rise of New Factions
- Other communities pop up, each with unique survival strategies. Some trade with Torchlight; others become cutthroat raiders, seizing resources from neighbors.
- Isolation & Suspicion
- Settlements close ranks, wary of contaminated newcomers or rumored “witch-children.” Fear of the Dark and its human-carriers fuels paranoia.
Year 21–40: The World Adapts
- Resource Routes Established
- Torchlight’s early scavengers (or “Roamers,” “Reclaimers,” etc.) chart relatively safe paths to old city ruins. Trading becomes vital for securing spare parts and medical supplies.
- Cultural Fusion
- Survivors from varied backgrounds merge traditions. Torchlight’s culture takes shape: reverence for the Founders, communal celebrations, improvised technology.
- The Dark Evolves
- Reports emerge of the Dark forming “spore clouds” that move with alarming coordination to new regions of the Earth. Some claim the substance behaves intelligently.
Year 41–60: Uneasy Stability
- Torchlight Solidifies
- The settlement grows as more survivors join. The Barrier is maintaned by a group of engineers, and rudimentary farmland develops within. A small Council of Elders forms to govern.
- Whispers of a Cure
- Rumors spread of hidden labs holding answers—could the Dark be reversed, or at least contained? Many expeditions set out; few return.
- Tech as a Double-Edged Sword
- Small generators or salvaged solar panels occasionally restore electricity for brief periods, attracting not only curious townsfolk but also the Dark and its spawn.
Year 61–80: Tensions Rise
- Mutant Generation
- Children born in this era exhibit increasingly varied mutations. Some have discreet powers; others face severe physical changes. Parents try to keep them secret, fearing persecution or exploitation from town residents.
- Harvesters & Raiders
- Ruthless factions rise, seeking to capture mutants or seize resources. Harvesters become notorious for kidnapping mutant children from settlements, converting them into slaves, and exploiting their powers.
- Dark’s Influence
- Freakish storms and bizarre atmospheric effects become common near large Dark concentrations, heightening the sense that it’s evolving—or awakening.
Year 81–100: Present Day
- Torchlight’s Legacy
- After generations, Torchlight stands as one of the longest-surviving settlements in the region. Newcomers arrive at the gates, desperate for shelter. The Council debates expansion versus caution.
- Pervasive Dread
- Few truly comprehend the Dark’s nature. Is it sentient, guided by an alien intelligence, or simply a twisted natural phenomenon? Most can only hope the walls and their grit will keep them alive.