The Dark

The Dark is the name given to a substance that now permeates the surface of the Earth (and perhaps even underground as well). 

The Dark can take many forms, but it’s often described as a shifting, tar-like substance whose main body appears a deep black, with writhing edges that shimmer in rainbow-hued “chromatic aberrations.” Sometimes it seeps across walls and floors in a creeping tide; other times, it manifests as spore clouds drifting in already contaminated zones. Whatever its form, upon touching the substance, it spreads and transforms a being into something sinister for its own purpose.

Despite its amorphous appearance, many survivors swear it displays an eerie awareness. It slithers away from bright lights, creeps stealthily around barriers, and seems almost deliberate in how it spreads or retreats. Whether it’s truly sentient or merely reacting to stimuli remains one of the biggest mysteries of the new age.

Infected regions of the Earth—often referred to as Dark Zones—are ravaged by this invasive growth. Entire forests, deserts, and even cityscapes have been overtaken, the flora and fauna within twisted into horrors that resemble their original forms only vaguely. Animals sprout warped limbs or develop inexplicable powers, while plants pulsate with poisonous sap, changed textures, and luminous veins.

Human beings are not immune. In places where the Dark has lingered for years, prolonged exposure can cause debilitating illness or nightmarish mutations. Some victims gain extraordinary, reality-bending abilities, while others become grotesque monstrosities, their minds warped as thoroughly as their bodies. The afflicted—if they retain any sense of self—face scorn and fear from survivors who see them as harbingers of doom.

One of the most perilous traits of the Dark is its hunger for energy. The presence of active technology acts like a magnet, drawing tendrils of the Dark and its mutated spawn. Lights that flicker on in proximity to Dark Zones become instant targets, echoing the catastrophe that befell the Old World when entire power grids attracted swarms of this voracious phenomenon.

Those brave or desperate enough to use functioning devices in the wasteland often do so sparingly. Some settlements try to harness electricity behind sealed walls and elaborate defenses, while others forbid it outright, choosing to live with minimal tech rather than risk an onslaught.

Unknown Origin of the Dark

Speculations abound—some blame a misguided scientific endeavor that opened a rift into another dimension; others whisper of extraterrestrial spores drifting on cosmic winds. A few radical doomsayers claim the Dark is Earth’s immune response, purging humanity as a disease upon the planet. No matter the theory, no proof has ever surfaced. Whatever the truth, it remains shrouded behind contaminated cities and quarantined labs lost to time.

Every day, Torchlight and other settlements fight to keep this insidious force at bay. Protective barriers outside the Barrier and flamethrowers are common anti-Dark measures, but they can only slow it, never truly stop it. As communities adapt and scavenge for old-world tech in secret, the Dark evolves in tandem—spreading, mutating, and ever hungry for energy.