This page outlines the rules and guidelines for playing in a tabletop environment with other people. Following these rules ensures a fun, fair, and immersive experience for everyone.
Gameplay Basics
◈ Rules System
- ◈ Mutant: Year Zero is the system we are using for our core rules, with minor adjustments for our unique setting. Familiarize yourself with the system basics before playing in a thread by downloading the Mutant: Year Zero core rulebook PDF and reviewing the System Basics sections. You can also visit any of the wiki articles under the Mutant: Year Zero Systems category on this site.
◈ Role of the Game Master (GM)
- ◈ The GM serves as the storyteller and arbiter of the rules. Their role is to guide the story, present challenges, and keep the game running smoothly.
- ◈ The GM has the final say on all rule disputes during gameplay.
◈ Player Responsibilities
- ◈ Create and roleplay a character that fits the Darkbound world and setting.
- ◈ Actively participate in the narrative by interacting with other players, NPCs, and the environment.
- ◈ Be respectful of the story, the GM, and your fellow players.
Character & Roleplay Guidelines
1. Character Integrity
Stay true to your character’s personality, motivations, and backstory. Avoid “metagaming”—using out-of-character knowledge to influence in-character decisions.
2. Collaborative Storytelling
Work with your group to create a cohesive and enjoyable story. Share the spotlight: give others opportunities to contribute to the narrative.
3. Consent in Roleplay
If a situation involves sensitive topics or conflict between characters, check in with the other players involved. Respect boundaries and prioritize comfort.
Rules Clarifications
◈ Homebrew Rules
Some elements of the game may use homebrew adjustments to better fit Darkbound’s setting. These rules will be introduced by the GM as needed.
If a disagreement arises, the GM will make a ruling to keep the game moving. After the session, your group can revisit the rule for future clarification.
The GM may bend or adjust rules in the spirit of fun, excitement, or dramatic storytelling. If this happens, don’t panic. This is known as the Rule of Cool. Most roleplaying groups will allow this if the pacing and story calls for it.
Behavior Expectations
◈ Respect and Inclusion
- ◈ Be respectful to everyone in the community, both in and out of character.
- ◈ DarkboundRPG is an inclusive space where all players are welcome. Discrimination, harassment, or disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.
◈ Commitment
- ◈ If you know that you won’t be able to post for more than a week (vacation, work, life commitments, etc.), notify your group as early as possible. Please be respectful of everyone’s time.
Game Session Logistics
◈ Scheduling
- ◈ Threads will be scheduled based on group availability. The GM will use tools like polls or discussion channels to coordinate times.
◈ Length of Play
- ◈ A campaign thread can typically last a few weeks to a month. GM’s should make sure to conclude their campaigns within a realistic period.
◈ Post-Session Feedback
- ◈ After each campaign, players are encouraged to provide feedback to the GM to improve future gameplay and recommend ways to make the next campaign even better.
Additional Resources
For more details about specific rules, refer to:
- ◈ System Basics [Read the System Basics]
- ◈ Mutant: Year Zero Core Rulebook
For questions or clarification, reach out in the #help channel on Discord.