Rules & References

Core Mechanics

Overview of Basic Rules

  • Dice Rolls
  • The system is based on a dice pool made up of d6s (six-sided dice). These dice are divided into three categories, each with a specific color to represent their source:

  • Base Dice:
    • Represent your character’s attributes (Strength, Agility, Wits, or Empathy).

  • Skill Dice:
    • Represent your character’s skills. The number of dice rolled depends on your skill level in the specific area.

  • Gear Dice:
    • Represent tools, weapons, or gear you use to assist with the task.

  • Push Mechanics:
    • Characters may reroll any number of dice from a failed roll, but this comes at the cost of potential trauma or stress.
    • Pushing can result in damage to Attributes or Stress levels, depending on the outcome.
    • Reference: Core Rulebook, pg. 44

Combat Rules

Key Combat Rules

  • Initiative:
    • Combat turn order is determined by rolling initiative dice.
    • Roll a D6 for your initiative and add your Agility score.
    • Initiative remains fixed unless special actions modify it during combat.
    • Reference: Core Rulebook, pg. 79


An action is a significant, deliberate task that requires effort, focus, or skill. It often involves rolling dice to determine success.

Examples of Actions:

  • Attacking: Shooting a gun, throwing a spear, or punching someone.
  • Performing a Skill Check: For example, fixing a broken item, picking a lock, or convincing someone in a social situation.
  • – Using a Mutation: Activating a special mutation ability.
  • – Aimed Shot: Spending extra effort to make your attack more accurate.

Key Points About Actions:

  • 👉 Actions usually require dice rolls.
  • 👉 You can only perform one action per turn during combat.
  • 👉 Actions tend to have direct, impactful outcomes (e.g., causing damage, repairing a piece of gear, or persuading someone).


A maneuver is a smaller, less intensive task that does not usually require a dice roll. It represents quick, simple movements or preparations.

Examples of Maneuvers:

  • Moving: Running or walking a short distance (typically one zone in the game map).
  • – Drawing a Weapon: Pulling out a gun, knife, or other gear.
  • – Taking Cover: Ducking behind a wall or other protection.
  • – Reloading a Weapon: Preparing your weapon to fire again.
  • – Helping Another Character: Assisting someone in their action (may require a roll in some cases).
  • Interacting with the Environment: Opening a door, picking up an item, or flipping a switch.

Key Points About Maneuvers:

  • 👉 Maneuvers are simpler than actions and usually don’t involve dice rolls.
  • 👉 You can perform one maneuver per turn in combat for free.
  • 👉 You can perform an additional maneuver by spending a point of your character’s Movement or by using up their action for the turn.

How They Work Together

In a single turn, a character can:

  1. Perform one action and one maneuver (free).
    • Example: Shoot a gun (action) and then take cover (maneuver).

  2. Perform two maneuvers by skipping their action.
    • Example: Run into cover (maneuver) and then reload their weapon (maneuver).

  • Critical Injuries:
    • Severe injuries occur when a character takes significant damage.
    • Use the Critical Injury table to determine the effects, including permanent consequences or death.
    • Reference: Core Rulebook, pg. 90

Character Progression

Improving Characters

  • Experience Points (XP):
    • Characters earn XP by accomplishing specific objectives, such as surviving dangerous scenes inside sessions, exploring new locations, or uncovering new lore.
    • XP can be spent to improve skills or acquire new talents.
    • Reference: Core Rulebook, pg. 25

  • Talents & Mutations:
    • Talents are special abilities that enhance character performance or provide unique capabilities.
    • Mutations offer extraordinary powers but may come with risks or drawbacks.
    • Reference: Core Rulebook, pg. 70

Gear Usage

Handling Equipment

  • Encumbrance Limits:
    • A character’s carrying capacity is determined by their Strength Attribute.
    • Exceeding this limit results in penalties to movement and actions.
    • Reference: Core Rulebook, pg. 23
  • Crafting & Repairs:
    • Characters can create or repair items using appropriate tools, materials, and skills.
    • Success depends on skill checks and the quality of materials.
    • Reference: Core Rulebook, pg. 46

House Rules

Unique Rules for Darkbound

  • Adjusted Mechanics:
    • Encounters with Aberrants may trigger additional dice rolls to resist corruption or panic effects.

  • Custom Crafting Mechanics:
    • Crafting specialized Darkbound gear requires unique components found only in corrupted zones.
    • Reference specific Darkbound crafting tables for recipes and outcomes.

Quick Reference Tables

Skill Checks

TaskSkillAttributeExample Scenarios
Climbing/SwimmingMoveStrengthClimbing walls, swimming across rivers.
Melee CombatFightStrengthAttacking with fists, knives, or clubs.
SneakingSneakAgilityAvoiding detection, moving silently.
ShootingShootAgilityUsing firearms, bows, or ranged weapons.
Spotting/ListeningScoutWitsSpotting enemies, eavesdropping.
Picking Locks/Disarming TrapsTinkerWitsBreaking into locked rooms, traps.
Bargaining/IntimidatingManipulateEmpathyConvincing NPCs, threatening enemies.
HealingHealEmpathyTreating injuries, stabilizing a dying ally.

Combat Actions

Action TypeExamplesRolls Required?Notes
Attack (Action)Shoot, stab, punch, throw.YesWeapon stats determine bonus dice.
Aimed Shot (Action)Focus carefully before firing.Yes+2 dice to roll; counts as an action.
Overwatch (Action)Guard an area to attack during another’s turn.YesDeclare conditions for when you attack.
Reload (Maneuver)Load ammunition into your weapon.NoCan’t fire until weapon is reloaded.
Move (Maneuver)Travel one zone (short distance).NoTypically free unless hindered.
Take Cover (Maneuver)Duck behind walls, objects for protection.NoReduces chance of being hit.
Push (Action)Try harder to succeed at a failed roll.YesRisk damage for rerolling dice.

Gear Stats

GearBonus DiceDamageSpecial Rules
Knife+11Can be thrown.
Baseball Bat+22None.
Bow+21Silent weapon.
Pistol+12Requires reload after 6 shots.
Rifle+32Long-range weapon.
Grenade+33Hits all targets in a zone.
Lockpick+1Adds bonus to Tinker skill checks.
Tool Kit+2Used for crafting and repairs.

Additional Resources

  • Core Rulebook Access:
    • Digital and physical copies of the Mutant: Year Zero core rulebook are available for purchase or download at Free League Publishing.
  • Downloadable Reference Sheets: