Gear & Equipment

Gear is central to your character’s ability to thrive in the wasteland. Every item you carry serves a purpose, whether it’s a weapon for defense, a tool for repair, or a relic of the old world that offers a glimmer of hope. Players must manage their inventory carefully, balancing utility with the limited carrying capacity dictated by their Strength attribute.

Gear isn’t just about mechanics; it’s a storytelling tool. A tattered map might lead to hidden treasure, while a jury-rigged weapon reflects your character’s ingenuity. Every piece of equipment tells a story, adding depth to your character and the world.

Types of Equipment


Weapons are critical for defending against Aberrants, raiders, and other threats. In Darkbound, weapons range from improvised tools to scavenged firearms.

Weapon TypeNameDescription
Melee WeaponsRusty BladeA salvaged kitchen knife or machete.
CrowbarA heavy metal bar, useful for prying and bashing.
Baseball BatA wooden or aluminum bat, effective for swinging at enemies.
SledgehammerA massive hammer designed for demolition, capable of dealing heavy damage.
Spiked ClubA wooden club reinforced with nails or scrap metal.
Axe of the FallenA ceremonial axe looted from an old-world ruin. Useful for slashing.
Shardspire BladeA sword made from the glass-like spires found in Shardspire Expanse.
Ranged WeaponsScrap PistolA cobbled-together handgun prone to misfires.
Wooden BowA basic but reliable ranged weapon, requiring arrows.
Hunting RifleA long-range firearm ideal for precision shots on distant targets.
Assault RifleA rapid-fire weapon effective in combat with groups of enemies.
Machine GunA heavy firearm capable of sustained fire, effective for crowd control.
CrossbowA silent weapon ideal for stealthy kills.
Pipe RifleA single-shot firearm assembled from scavenged parts.
Bolt LauncherFires improvised projectiles, effective at medium range.
ExplosivesMolotov CocktailA bottle filled with flammable liquid, ignited and thrown.
Makeshift GrenadeExplosives crafted from scavenged materials.
Smoke BombCreates a thick cloud for concealment or confusion.


Tools are essential for crafting, repairing, and overcoming environmental challenges.

Tool NameDescription
Multi-ToolA compact device with screwdrivers, pliers, and other functions.
Lockpick SetEssential for bypassing locks in abandoned buildings.
Repair KitContains basic tools for fixing gear or vehicles.
FlashlightIlluminates dark areas but may attract Aberrants.
Welding TorchUseful for cutting through metal or repairing sturdy structures.
BinocularsEnhances your ability to scout from a distance.

Clothing and Armor

Protective gear shields you from environmental hazards and enemy attacks.

Item NameDescription
Reinforced JacketOffers moderate protection against melee attacks.
Radiation SuitProvides limited resistance to radioactive zones.
Combat BootsDurable footwear ideal for traversing rough terrain.
Gas MaskFilters toxic air, necessary for exploring corrupted areas.
Padded GlovesUseful for protecting your hands from physical damage.
Kevlar VestReduces damage from firearms and shrapnel.


Consumables are single-use items that restore health, provide temporary bonuses, or fulfill basic needs.

Consumable NameDescription
Water Purifier TabletsTreat contaminated water to make it safe for drinking.
Healing SalveA makeshift ointment that restores lost health.
Energy BarRestores stamina for a short period.
Stim PackProvides an immediate boost to Strength or Agility but has a crash effect.
Antidote SyringeNeutralizes toxins or poisons.

Miscellaneous Items

These items serve various purposes, from barter goods to story-driven artifacts.

Item NameItem Name
Scrap MetalUsed for crafting and repairs.
Tattered MapMarks hidden locations or potential scavenging sites.
Old-World RelicAn enigmatic artifact that holds secrets of the past.
Signal FlareAttracts attention, useful for marking locations or signaling allies.
Glowshroom LanternA bioluminescent fungi-powered light source that doesn’t attract Aberrants.
Dark WardA relic that is believed to repel lesser Aberrants.

Custom Gear for Darkbound

Item NameDescription
Shardspire BladeA weapon made from the glass-like spires found in the Shardspire Expanse, unnaturally sharp and capable of inflicting severe damage.
Pulse BeaconA salvaged device that emits an electromagnetic pulse to disable electronics and massively deter Aberrants.
Glowshroom LanternA bioluminescent fungi-powered light source that doesn’t attract Aberrants like artificial lights.
Dark WardA relic that emits a faint hum, believed to repel lesser Aberrants.
Corruption DetectorA handheld device that identifies areas heavily influenced by the Dark.

Crafting and Maintenance

Crafting and maintaining gear is a core survival mechanic in Darkbound. Players must scavenge materials and allocate time to keep their equipment in working order.


  • Characters with high Wits or Tinkerer talents can create improvised tools, traps, and weapons using scrap metal, wood, and other materials.
  • Example: A player crafts a spike trap to defend their safezone using salvaged nails and planks.


  • Weapons and tools degrade over time, requiring repair kits or specific resources to restore functionality.
  • Example: A Scrap Pistol jams during combat, forcing the character to spend an action fixing it.

How Gear Works Mechanically

Gear affects gameplay by modifying rolls, providing bonuses, or mitigating penalties. For example:

  • Weapons: Each weapon has a base damage value. Rolling additional successes on an attack increases the damage dealt.
  • Armor: Reduces incoming damage based on its protection value. For instance, a Reinforced Jacket might absorb 1 point of damage from a melee attack.
  • Tools: Provide situational bonuses. A Lockpick Set grants a +2 bonus to opening locked doors.

Encumbrance is also a factor. Characters can only carry a limited amount of gear based on their Strength attribute, adding a layer of strategy to inventory management.

Narrative Importance of Gear

Beyond mechanics, gear is a storytelling tool. A worn photograph found in an abandoned safezone might hint at a lost family, while a mysterious artifact could unravel new lore about the Dark. Encourage players to weave their equipment into the narrative, creating memorable moments and character-defining details.